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Inside My Wardrobe: Accessories from 2015 with Winter Outfit Ideas + DIY Bead Soup Earrings

Writer: sallyinstpaulsallyinstpaul

Today I am continuing a historical tour of my closet with the accessories I have dating to 2015. Because accessories are relatively durable and much less sensitive to weight fluctuations than clothing, the vast majority of accessories I bought in 2015 remain in my wardrobe. I will address the four categories of accessories that I track in my wardrobe spreadsheet: scarves, necklaces, shoes, and boots. We can get deal with boots right away: I didn't buy any in 2015! Now on to the other three categories...with some previously-unshared winter/early spring appropriate OOTD photos from my archives featuring many of these items.

While I track wears and cost per wear (CPW) at the individual level, I am reporting my average stats for my 2015 purchases as a group.


I bought 17 scarves in 2015 at an average price of $9.49. My average current cost per wear (CPW) of this group of scarves is below my $1 CPW goal and close to my $0.65 CPW goal. But I am only halfway to my 30 total wears goal with them. 7% of my current scarf collection is from 2015; 22% of my collection is from 2015 or earlier. (I have 242 scarves. I know. This is going to make it hard to reach 30 wears with them.)

Plus size outfit idea for women over 40
OOTD 4/18/17 - Navy/orange/aqua fforal scarf
Plus size outfit idea for women over 40
OOTD 1/15/19 - Navy/magenta/blue birds scarf
Plus size outfit idea for women over 40
OOTD 1/22/19 - White/rose gold polka dot scarf
Plus size outfit idea for women over 40
OOTD 4/22/19 - Blue/maroon floral silk scarf
Plus size outfit idea for women over 40
OOTD 3/12/21 - White/orange/purple elephant scarf

Plus size outfit idea for women over 40
OOTD 11/30/22 - Burgundy scarf + pink/gold peacock pendant necklace
Plus size outfit idea for women over 40
Plus size outfit idea for women over 40
OOTD 12/22/23 - White ornament scarf + White Rabbit pocket watch pendant necklace
Plus size outfit idea for women over 40


I bought 11 necklaces in 2015 at an average price of $17.28. My average current cost per wear (CPW) of this group of necklaces is below my $1 CPW goal and approaching my $0.65 CPW goal. I am about 75% of the way to my 30 total wears goal with them. 6% of my current necklace collection is from 2015; 36% of my collection is from 2015 or earlier. (I have 178 necklaces.)

Plus size outfit idea for women over 40
OOTD 11/27/18 - Blue/crystal statement necklace
Plus size outfit idea for women over 40
OOTD 1/1/20 - Silver/teal peacock pendant necklace
Plus size outfit idea for women over 40
OOTD 11/2223 - White swag necklace
Plus size outfit idea for women over 40
DIY paper bead bracelet set
DIY bead soup earrings
DIY bead soup earrings
Design bead soup earrings for a paper bead bracelet set


I bought 14 pairs of shoes in 2015 at an average price of $12.84. (Since this was the Year of the Payless Ballet Flat, they account for 11 of the 14 pairs!) My average current cost per wear (CPW) of these shoes is below both my $1 CPW goal and $0.65 CPW goal. I have also met my 30 total wears goal with them (averaging 31 wears each) but I really prefer to meet the 60 wear threshold with shoes/boots, so I'm about halfway there. 22% of my current shoe collection is from 2015; 63% of my collection is from 2015 or earlier. (I have 65 pairs of shoes.)

Plus size outfit idea for women over 40
OOTD 4/20/22 - Taupe smoking slippers

Since 2015 is the first single year of purchases I'm reporting, it will be interesting to see how 2016 compares, especially in terms of the numbers of items purchased. One thing that really stands out from my data so far is how much of my current boot and shoe collections is from 2015 or earlier (at least 8 years old): 91% for boots and 63% for shoes. By comparison, my necklace and scarf collections were just getting started in 2015.

Graph of percent of my collection purchased in 2015 or earlier

Do you have a sense of how many of your accessories are older (like 2015 or earlier) vs. how many are newer? Do you tend to hang on to accessories for a long time or do you switch them out every few years? Do you have any area of accessories where you feel maxed out? Is there an area where you'd like to increase your collection?

Blogs I link up with are listed here.


Jennifer's Memory-Keeping
Jennifer's Memory-Keeping
Mar 04, 2024

I definitely keep my accessories around for a long time. I love the paper beads--so neat! Thanks for sharing this post at the Will Blog for Comments #28 linkup. Hope to see you next week, too.

Mar 05, 2024
Replying to

It's great that you make your accessories work for you over the long haul!


Feb 27, 2024

I bow before you, O Queen of Accessories! I am quite sure I don't have near that amount of scarves nor necklaces! I know several are from before 2015, but I couldn't swear by it. I hope you'll do this for several years and then create a graphic showing us how the years compare!

Feb 27, 2024
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I'm quite sure I have TOO MANY by any reasonable standard, haha! I will definitely keep tracking and reporting. Luckily I have slowed my roll with scarves at least, mostly adding ones I receive as gifts the last couple years but not purchasing any myself. But it's hard because I want All The Pretties!


jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
Feb 26, 2024

Wow...I love that you bought so many shoes that year. I used to love Payless for their shoes and I still have a couple in my closet.

As for scarves, they just don't go out of style. Well, maybe the blanket scarves have, but hey, just cut it up and it's good. XOOX Jodie

Feb 26, 2024
Replying to

I'm surprised how long these Payless flats have held up; I hope they keep going strong because I don't want to have to replace them! I never participated in the blanket scarf trend, but you're so could cut the giant scarf down to a normal size and it would work great.


Plus Size Fashion and Rabbits!

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